Privacy Policy
When you use your personal information online, you consider the privacy of information as a number one concern. We understand how you wouldn’t want your private information to get accessed by unauthorized parties and we at Namchey take this issue very seriously. We make it our top priority to provide confidentiality and security to your personal information when you access our services. We advise you to go through these conditions very carefully. After starting or continue to use our services, you agree and are accepting to the practices described in this privacy policy statement.
What information we collect from you?
There are situations in which we ask you to give us information about yourself. This information includes things like your name, address, e-mail address and in some cases phone numbers. Such information collected during the registration process is mandatory for the user to provide in order to complete the registration process. You can choose not to provide information to us, but in general some information about you is required in order for you to receive email from Namchey and its partners and enjoy other benefits of being a registered member. For example, only registered members are able to create itinerary, places and access other editing privileges. Some of the type of information we collect are:
Personal Information: When you sign up to use the services that we provide, we collect the information you provide that may include email address, phone numbers, DOB, etc. This information is kept secure and confidential. It is only available to people who have security clearance and a right to access them like a warrant or a police notice. Your email will be used to communicate all the notices, updates and activities on the platform you are associated with.
User activities: Activities performed by users collected and used solely for the purpose of analytics. These data include photos uploaded, comments made, places created and other uses of features offered by our website. Such information will help us understand what type of activities, users are more focused towards and will let us help to understand what improvements need to be made on the platform for the convenience of our users.
User’s Geo-Spatial Data: Our services may sometime collect location information in order to improve the user’s interface by feeding the users with data that is relevant to their location. This helps us provide customized news feed without asking the users to submit extra information through forms. This information is not accessible to any other users or any other people that isn’t associated with Namchey.
- Characteristics such as the Device type, OS version, hardware version, device settings, file and software names and types, battery and signal strength, and device identifiers.
- Device locations, including specific geographic locations, such as through GPS, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi signals.
- Connection information such as the language, browser type, Telecommunication Operator, Internet Service Provider, time zone, mobile phone number and IP address.
Use of collected information
We are able to deliver personalize content to our services and make suggestions for you by using this information related to the activities that you perform to understand how you use and interact with our Services and to understand the types of places you are interested in and share similar Information. For example, if you are looking at a place called Namche Bazar then we might collect that information to deliver places, itineraries and activities that are relevant and related to that particular place.
We use location information it to modify our Services for you and others, like helping you to find local activities and places to visit and or offers in your location.
We conduct surveys and research, test features in development, and analyze the information we have to evaluate and improve services we offer to improve the existing features, introduce new features, and conduct audits and troubleshooting activities. Some other common uses of such information are:
Communicate with you:We use your information to send you notification about activities related to you and your posts, marketing communications, about our services and major changes about our features and also to let you know about our policies and terms. We also use your information to respond to you when you contact us.
Show and measure ads and services:Collected information is used to improve our advertising and measurement systems so we can show you relevant ads on and offer our Services and measure its effectiveness and reach of ads and services. Learn more about advertising on our Services and how you can control how information about you is used to personalize the ads you see.
Promote safety and security.We use the information we have to help verify accounts and activity, and to promote safety and security on and off of our Services, such as by investigating suspicious activity or violations of our terms or policies. Our effort to protect your account includes using teams of engineers, automated systems, and advanced technology such as encryption and machine learning.
Cookies and Other Web Technologies.
- To help us recognize your browser as a previous visitor and save and remember any preferences that may have been set while your browser was visiting our site. For example, if you register on our site, we may use cookies to remember your registration information, so you do not need to log into our site each time you visit. Please note that member IDs, passwords, and any other account-related data included in such cookies are encrypted for security purposes.
- To help us customize the content, experience, and advertisements provided to you on our websites and app. For example, when you access a web page, a cookie is automatically set by us to recognize your browser as you navigate on the Internet and to present you with information and advertising based on your apparent interests.
- To help measure and research the effectiveness of features and offerings, advertisements and email communications.
The Help portion of the toolbar on most browsers should tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable most types of cookies. Please note that if you refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to access many of the travel tools offered on our sites.
Our sites also may use Web beacons (also known as clear gifs, pixel tags or Web bugs), which are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, that are placed in the code of a Web page. We use Web beacons to monitor the traffic patterns of users from one page within our sites to another, to deliver or communicate with cookies, to understand whether you have come to our site from an online advertisement displayed on a third-party website, and to improve site performance. We also may allow our service providers to use Web beacons to help us understand which emails have been opened by recipients and to track the visitor traffic and actions on our site. This helps us measure the effectiveness of our content and other offerings.
Association with Namchey’s other platforms
As a new user who has signed up to use our services or a returning user, by signing up or continuing to use our services, you agree to be a part, as a user, of our Business Platform and other related services that Namchey creates. Logged in users will be able interact with our client sites like making comments and booking packages and more. If you are a user who has signed up to use our services, you will also be able to sign in as a user in our business platform using the same credentials. Benefits of this is that you will be able to access our sites in our other platform without having to sign up/register multiple times. Note: This DOES NOT mean that we are giving access of your private information to our clients. Security of your information is our utmost concern and any unauthorized third party will not have access to your information.Sharing Information
Personal Information: The private/personal information is available to the people to whom the user has made it accessible for like Phone number, email addresses and other contact information. All of Namchey group’s products related to the will be able to access this information. Additionally, we use your email address for sending notifications about various activities in our site like comments made on your posts, followers gathered etc.
Content Created: Since Namchey is a collaborative site and the some of the content created like places are publicly accessible and editable to registered users. This encourages public effort to improve the quality of the content and also motivates publicly monitoring the content. For example, if one person writes incorrect or inconsistent information on the site then other people from the community can correct that information and keep the content quality integral and up to date. This means that content created on our platform is public information and available to all the users of the site. Our services help people gather information regarding travel and the travel is not kept confidential. Public information is available to anyone on or off our services and can be seen or accessed through online search engines, APIs. The content you post is free to be commented on and people can post their opinions about your content.
Sharing Embed Content: Users will also be able to generate an Embed code which is basically HTML codes containing information that display any itineraries and can be used to display the graphical itinerary design on other third-party websites. Users can use this feature their itinerary on personal blogs and other websites.
We take reasonable steps to ensure that your information is relevant to its intended use, accurate, and complete. You can access and update your contact information by visiting the Profile page on the Namchey Website. We will send you an email to verify your email. Please also note that we may retain certain information associated with your account in our archives, including for analytical purposes as well as for record keeping integrity.
The security of your personal information is important. Namchey has in place proper security measures to protect your personal information. All sensitive information exchanged between your computer and our site is encrypted using SSL. This ensures that your information is transmitted securely and is safe from unauthorized third parties.
How you can access your information?
We take reasonable steps to ensure that your information is relevant to its intended use, accurate, and complete. You can access and update your contact information by visiting the Profile page on the Namchey Website. We will send you an email to verify your email. Please also note that we may retain certain information associated with your account in our archives, including for analytical purposes as well as for recordkeeping integrity.
Travelers love giving feedback and we love receiving it. If you're wondering what happens now that we have your comments and information, here's what goes down.
By submitting feedback, you may be giving Namchey with your personal information. We collect this information so that we can use your comments to improve our products, acknowledge your contribution in the next edition. If you're giving feedback within our online communities, please respect the privacy of others and be respectful generally.
We will not sell your contact details to marketing companies for spamming, but we may disclose information about you to our authors and amongst companies under Namchey Group, including to people located in a different country to you. You have some rights to access personal information that we hold about you (but there are exceptions - what good is a rule without them.